Here are a few information about the differences between 3-tab shingles vs architectural shingles to determine which type of shingle is best for your roof.
It is the traditional shingle option to cover the roof. One sheet of this shingle has 3 tabs. Each tab is about 12″ X 5″. The tabs are an integral part of the shingle. One shingle with the tabs has 36-40 inches length and 12-13 1/4 inches width. It weighs about 150-300 lbs per square (10′ x 10′).
It is more economical than architectural shingles. Homeowners prefer it when they are looking for affordable roofing shingle solution. The sheets of these shingles with symmetrical lines and flat shapes give a neat and clean look to the roof. Due to the lower weight of these shingles, they are preferred for the buildings that do not have strong structural stability.
These shingles now do not find favor with the homeowners and builders due to better value offered by the architectural shingles. Compared to the architectural shingles, the 3-tab shingles are weaker, have shorter lifespan, and come with shorter warranty period. The 3-tab shingles cannot withstand high speed wind so they are not preferred in the areas that see strong wind.
Also known as laminate or dimensional shingles, these shingles have a dimensional look similar to a tile or wood shake roofing look. An architectural shingle is made of two strips of asphalt shingles laminated together. The shingles in this range have 36-39 3/8 inches length and 12-13 1/4 inches width.
Architectural shingles are 50% heavier and thicker than 3-tab shingles. This type of shingle has stronger adhesive, finer asphalt, sturdier and thicker mat, and longer lifespan. It carries longer warranty term of 30-50 years. Being heavier and sturdier it is resistant to higher wind speeds.
These shingles are heavier and more expensive than the 3-tab shingles. The installation charge is also high.
You have to consider the structural strength of your building, budget, type of building, and some other factors to determine the right type of shingle for your roofing project. Consult a professional and experienced roofing expert before buying any shingle product.